John Casmon is a real estate entrepreneur, who has partnered with busy professionals to invest in over $100 million worth of apartments. John also consults active multifamily investors to help them start or grow their business. He hosts the Multifamily Insights podcast (formerly Target Market Insights) and is the co-creator of the Midwest Real Estate Networking Summit.

Prior to becoming a full-time investor, John worked in corporate America, overseeing marketing campaigns for General Motors, Nike and Coors Light.

Let’s dive into his story!

[00:01 - 07:50] Opening Segment

John seeks control over his time and finances He doesn’t want to be totally dependent on his W2 What John currently does What happened when John didn’t have control over his time Not being able to attend his son’s birthday party


[07:51 - 15:14] If John could bring back time

What John could have done to do better What is the legacy you’re building? Build an equity you can pass along Generational wealth defined Why it really matters Give the next generation a leg up


[15:15 - 20:50] How to pass down material wealth and a healthy financial mindset

How do you define success? John wanted to be there for his children You need to define success for yourself  Make time to educate your children about investment We are our childhood


[20:51 - 25:29] Closing Segment 

John’s current Real Estate deals Connect with John:

Shoot him an email: [email protected]

Check out his LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram 



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Tweetable Quotes


"Maybe you got a great job that you love, maybe you’re getting a good income, but again, you don’t want to solely be dependent on that.” - John Casmon


"The difference for entrepreneurs is the plan or the hope is when you get to retirement, you can have equity that you can hand over to your family.” - John Casmon


"Make sure you understand what you’re going to show for the time you put in, especially if you’re prioritizing your career.” - John Casmon


"We all wanna see the next generation do better than we are doing.” - John Casmon

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