Put on your reading glasses and take off your pants as this episode contains the most in depth analysis of Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina merchandise on the internet. Alongside that Kris and Stu review Krispy Creme donuts, Jess Miller is back and still doesn't have a Korean toilet, Angus Younga talks about his new EP, Wes and Dan pretend not to know about the history of blow up dolls and Mat gets angry at Victorians for being the stupidest of all the dumb idiots. Podcast Ahoy!

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| 00:30 INTRO


| 02:33 Coronafest 2020 is bigger and badder than ever

| 02:58 Victorians are dumb idiots

| 05:10 Mat misses kebabs

| 07:10 What is the perfect sex robot?

| 09:08 Home schooling is ruining our children

| 11:03 Mat's partner interrupts his rage

| 11:47 Shagging security guards spread Coronavirus

| 13:35 KFC party gets shut down

| 14:41 Krispy Kreme riot squad chaos

| 16:58 Victoria: The Smash Mouth State


| 18:54 Sex lives spiced up in lockdown

| 22:20 Who invented the blow up doll?

| 28:47 Gwyneth Paltrow's candle that smells like her orgasm

| 31:05 Belle Delphine - the woman who sells her bath water is back!

| 36:34 How does Mat manage his Instagram algorithm?

| 40:44 Are all Coldplay songs about Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina?


| 45:43 What pic did Jess accidentally send Mat?

| 54:18 How did Jess and her boyfriend become official?

| 59:18 Jada Pinkett Smith's "entanglement"

| 01:01:14 Are Britney Spears's parents evil?

| 01:04:23 Angus Younga chats about his new music

| 01:12:35 SNACK WATCH

| 01:13:07 Will Kris vomit during the podcast?

| 01:14:17 Kris reveals the original Sails On The Bay jingle

| 01:17:49 What caused the Krispy Kreme riot?

| 01:21:48 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed donut review

| 01:25:30 Krispy Kreme Snickers donut review

| 01:28:40 Fucked fonts

| 01:32:02 OUTRO