You all are in for a treat today! I've got Gemma O'Brien on the podcast today, an artist who's wowed me for a while on Instagram and in a fun turn of events, I flew across the country last week to help her paint her latest mural at Google Headquarters in Silicon Valley.

It's a funny thing meeting people you've only seen on your Instagram feed - maybe this is what it feels like to online date someone. You never truly know who they are behind the 'gram! Because personally, I think I was funniest back in my Yahoo! Messenger days...the instant messenger response delay really helped me be extremely witty. But my Yahoo glory days are beside the point and Gemma was super fun. So back to her. If you've never seen her art, you NEED to. It truly is just plain awesome. Stuff you look at and can't really wrap your mind around how it got from A (blank wall) to B (wowza).

Funny enough, in my excitement of all the free food Google offers, I didn't press record correctly and thus missed half of the interview (lesson learned), but I think we ended up covering most of it in the end!

This is a really fun one and we chat about:

Her favorite destination from art travels
Pushing yourself to do more and go further despite looking to many like you are at the top
Appreciating the process, not just the final piece
What are art agents and how to do they help
How to stand out among all the Instagrammers online
How to stay unique and not copy in the art world
Do you have to have a morning routine to be successful
Remembering to appreciate what you've done in the past
Where you can find her next

Join Gemma's 200K following on Instagram @mrseaves101 and buy prints on her website at:

Take her Skillshare class HERE!

And as always, have the best day ever!!!

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