I've been thinking a lot about Niche-ing down lately. For the longest time, I worked hard to stay as open as possible so that I could get as many potential clients as possible. The weird thing about my method is that it almost ALWAYS backfires. Logical thinking would say that if you open up a pool to anyone, you will give yourself tons more options for people to find you. But the thing is, most of those people won't be right for you and you end up using tons of your time trying to please everyone, when really all you have to do is please the select group that really, really, really wants what you have to give and offer to them.

I'm trying to make it sound simple, but let me tell you, I haven't found it simple at all. To be honest, most days I wish I was interested in less things and only passionate about one thing because then I wouldn't care about leaving my mini-passions behind and it would make the whole niching-down thing easier. But if you are a creative like me, most likely you are multi-passionate too and hate the idea of letting go of one of the things you're good at - even if it's not THE THING.

If this is you and you know that working within a niche is smart, but you still are having a hard time doing it or even just choosing what niche you should be going for, I'm here to make it simple for you, with a little help from one of my favorite art coaches, Maria Brophy, author of Art, Money, Success.

Listen in to hear Maria's fantastic method of niching down, and how you can improve your business or business idea today.


And as always, have the best day ever!!!
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