I met Molly in Fashion school back at the University of Cincinnati. She was always creating extremely innovative designs, pushing design limits way past simply "next season's style." So I was super amped to see that she is in the midst of creating her own line of clothing for teens with Autism.

After working at the Mayo Clinic after getting her Fashion Design degree, she noticed a need for the growing number of people with Autism and decided to address it herself, by creating fashion-forward clothing for teens on the Autism spectrum. She recently released an Indigogo Campaign (live in April 2018) and is looking for funding to further the line she's already started, in order to reach more people who could seriously benefit from this type of clothing.

Molly and I talk about:

When is the right time to start your own business
How to mesh different passions into one career
Why there is a need for this type of clothing
What it takes to launch a crowdfunding campaign
Details on the creation of a fashion line

I would love for you to be a part of where Molly is taking her company and you can be by visiting her campaign here: Molly Fuller Design Campaign

You can also choose to donate a shirt to 2 different Autism Organizations even if you don't need a shirt yourself!!

Oh! And one of my designs from HaleyBadenhop.com is on the shirt, so definitely check that out!


And as always, have the best day ever!!!
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