About 5 years back I started a "company," more like a blog called "Thee Bold." Spoiler alert: it stopped almost as quickly as it started, but the funny part about it is that I took forever to launch it. And by launch it, I mean, simply make the website public. It's like I thought the world would come sprinting towards the site once I made it go live. Nope. And instead of working at it, I decided it had failed. I had spent all this time getting little pieces together of the brand I was trying to create only to lose interest after I launched when no one came running. (I don't blame them.)

With projects since then, you'd think I'd totally learn, but I still struggle with planning for too long before releasing things. For example, with this podcast, I thought about creating a podcast for a year and a half and THEN I planned it for another entire year before launching. Though I learned a lot, I 100% could have consolidated that into a month with better planning strategies and in turn, could have had 52 more episodes by now!

So why is it that we have such a hard time starting things if all the good stuff happens after the launch? It's like we almost self-sabotage before even giving others the chance to potentially not like our stuff.

I know, releasing your hard work into the world for people to judge is tough stuff. So that's why I'm gonna run through a quick list of How You Can and Should get Started on that Project TODAY!

Make sure you are really passionate about it. Some things look fun and exciting because someone else is doing it well, but it may not be your gift. Make sure what you choose to do actually gets you excited to work when you wake up in the morning!
Ask yourself why you haven't started, and then explore why you've come up with that excuse, even if it's totally legit. I've talked to so many people who have told me what they want to do and then without taking a breath have told me why they aren't doing it yet. Stop talking about what you aren't doing yet because no one cares. Talk about what you are doing and if you need help, ask for it. If people hear what you're actively doing, they are more apt to offer their help too.
Start before you feel ready. O man, this is totally the one I need to work on, but also what I hear over and over again from successful people. You will never know everything and you will learn SO much as you go along, so start now and then perfect it as you go. It will get easier once you get those first few clients/buyers/fans.
Keep yourself emotionally high. This is a game-changer. Recently I've begun to explore why some days I feel really motivated and others I don't. It's not arbitrary, you can help yourself. My #1 is to listen to something inspirational. Feel free to use this podcast or someone else who motivates you, it could even be a chat in person. That way, no matter what experiences or people you are around, you can get on that motivated high, of course, course add in energizing food and lots of water because doing your own thing requires high energy.
Stay Consistent. One of the best pieces of advice I got was from Lewis Howes from the School of Greatness Podcast after I sent him an email.

"Go for the podcast if you will do it for the next few years consistently otherwise it may not be the best move."

Will you stick with your project for the next few years, or will setbacks make you quit? Consistently take action every day!

Simple right? It's true, these 5 steps are not hard at all, they just take consistent action and confidence in yourself. Though they may take some sacrifices or changes in habits, if you really want to start something, there's no better time than now. A year later will be just that, a year later. I believe in you and know you can do these. Give yourself a deadline and get going!

And as always, have the best day ever!!!
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