Recently I met Christian at a Silicon Couliour meeting in Jackson Hole. As someone who left a secure (yet intense) life in the tech start-up world in San Francisco, I was anxious to hear how this change to a totally different lifestyle (snowboarding, travel, love, entrepreneurship, coaching) came about!

On this Episode, Christian describes in depth how he left a life of burnout and stress in the tech world to leading a life he loves and looks forward to every day.

Expect to hear:

How to begin to totally make a 180 shift in life
Why it's important to figure out the one meaningful question you ask yourself, and how to
How you can begin to use meditation during good times so you're ready for bad times.
The power of gratefulness
How it's sometimes more important to get rid of things in life than add things
A method to prioritizing what's most important
Lots of Tony Robbins references


And as always, have the best day ever!!!
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