Over the summer I went to an absolutely incredible conference put on by the email service ConvertKit. It was my first time in Boise, a place I'd wanted to visit and a very convenient spot as it's just the state next door. I wanted to share some notes with you all, to provide a bit of inspiration and motivation in short doses of notes that I took.

When I do something awesome, don't automatically look at who's doing it better. Keep the joy!
-Ask yourself: Can I feel the joy now? (Because you won't later if you don't enjoy the moment now)
Look for opportunity in spaces outside of what you do. So much opportunity is available if you leave your bubble.
Ask yourself: How can I be the first to enter this space?
Worries take up space in your head that you need for creating. Also, they take up space that you could be looking for opportunities, money, etc.
Make good habits easy (less steps). Add more steps to get to bad habits.
At first: just put in the work
Make things INTERESTING. Are you doing things, just to do them?
Ask Questions. In the words of Tim Ferriss "become a good question-asker"
Am I fulfilling a very specific need? How could I?
STOP comparing and judging myself
Unsubscribe to all distraction! Eliminate possible interruptions.
Doing the same thing (aka not growing) means getting the same results and the same income. Be courageous enough to make changes.
Find partnerships.
Add my personality to everything. Don't be a copy.
Love what you're doing, but put an invoice behind it.
Automate systems, not relationships.
If you aren't the best yet, have the best work ethic. Take initiative, do what I say I will, and do the things most people only talk about.
Engagement is KING. Make Time + Make Friends = Make $$
If people ask you questions, think about how you can monetize answers.
Research brands and tell them a way you can work together (so they don't have to figure it out themselves)
The secret is telling people what you know.
People engage in the STORY. Tell a story, always.
Target the smallest possible audience. Niche down!
Remember: If someone else decides your info is worth talking about, then it's REMARKABLE.
Artists view the world through abundance & see opportunity.
We do not need more copiers.
It's not too late.

Have the best day ever!!!
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