Join us in a thought provoking conversation about the Republican Party's transformation and the potential impacts of court decisions on elections and politics. We're joined by Dr. Norm Ornstein; senior fellow emeritus at the American Enterprise Institute, as he provides eye-opening insights offering a perspective on the potential emergence of a figure with Trump-like views in the party's future.

Here are three key takeaways you don't want to miss:

1️⃣ The Republican Party's journey from a traditional problem-solving entity to a more right-leaning stance, influenced by historical struggles with authoritarians and tribalism, presents significant implications for the country's political trajectory.

2️⃣ Thought-provoking discussions on the influence of money in politics, ethical concerns within the court system, and the impact of individual decisions on significant outcomes, such as Supreme Court decisions.

3️⃣ The potential scenarios for the next 4 years in the U.S., including the implications of potential executive appointments, structural problems in the Senate, and concerns about the electoral college's impact on the legitimacy of elections.

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