When Walter Ley stepped up to the ballot box for the very first time, he chose his vote for President, clicked next, and... froze. Page after page of state and local legislative options he'd never heard of clouded his mind. With little knowledge of what each of these positions meant, nevertheless who to vote for, Walter walked away from voting feeling defeated, uninformed, and uninspired. Years later, he's now on a mission to change that. Walter ended up leaving his early career in fintech to launch Branch Politics, a free, nonpartisan website that quickly and effectively informs Atlanta citizens on federal, state, and local candidates, to help you feel confident on election day. In today's episode, I sit down with Walter to learn more about the early, uncertain days of Branch, why being active and informed for elections at the state and local level matters, and digestible resources to help you do your research in time for November 3rd (even if you don't have access to Branch). If you weren't ready to vote before, I promise you...now you will be.

Recommended in this Episode:

Drew McClure: https://bit.ly/3iwrn0U

“Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown: https://bit.ly/3iD5yg0

How I Built This with Guy Raz: https://n.pr/3lk218d

“The Only Startup You’ll Ever Read”: https://bit.ly/3jDxd1Y

Ballotpedia: https://bit.ly/3ni8QZM

Check your voter registration: https://bit.ly/3iDzhWr


Follow Along:

Walter Ley on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2GzGJVn

Branch Politics on IG: https://bit.ly/3lieqJV

Branch Politics on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2F57tMK

Learn more about The Passages Project: https://bit.ly/3cBJW2k

Follow The Passages Project on Instagram: https://bit.ly/2FVI8Wg

Follow Chloe on Instagram: https://bit.ly/30g3HHY