Today, I’m talking with Elle Overholt, Founder & Career Strategist at Forth LLC. Raised in Atlanta, Georgia but based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Elle (@forth_llc) has a passion for helping college students and young adults achieve their dream careers by articulating the talents and experience they already possess. After graduating from Georgia Tech with a degree in supply chain and operations, Elle accepted the best job she could right out of college, achieving exactly what she’d thought she should do. After a few years, though, Elle realized the misalignment in her strengths and interests with the opportunities presented in front of her. She then set out to be the very career strategist she’d always wished she’d had as a student.

After hearing about Elle and everything Forth is doing to empower young professionals, I knew I had to bring her on - and you guys, her advice is gold.

In this episode you’re going to hear her share:

- Why it’s totally okay to accept a job you know you won’t stay in

- The professional advantage to look forward to post-coronavirus and the #1 interview question all job hunters need to prepare for

- The most mature thing you can do as a twenty something

- THE tips - like the nitty gritty instructions you’ve been waiting for - to growing and leveraging professional relationships

- The easiest way to stand out when applying for a job

- How to not get interview ghosted

- The most important and most overlooked detail on your resume

- The LinkedIn tips you can’t find on Google

- A general kick in the butt to get the job you want

- And more.

I hope you enjoy my conversation with Elle as much as I did! Ready?


Work with Elle:

Listen to “So… What Do You Do?” Podcast:

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Passages is a podcast for young professionals. Here, we're unlocking empowerment in life and work from the ground up. This episode, and each to come, is jam packed with education, empowerment, and stories I can’t wait to share. Enjoy!

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