Emily Eliza Moyer is a career and leadership development coach on a mission to help professionals find their purpose so that they actually want to wake up and go to work. We deserve to feel motivated and inspired by what we do every day; Emily makes that dream a reality. Now with over a decade of experience helping working professionals move past imposter syndrome and approach their career with confidence, Emily puts her all into her coaching programs and ways of connecting with her community.

In today’s episode, Emily talks about:

- Her personal story towards career self-discovery

- Steps to take towards unlocking your purpose and the importance of viewing your work through a lens of purpose

- How to know whether you’re on the right path and how to adjust if you’re not

- Crafting a career made for you

- Redefining “pivoting” as a natural step in your career

- Preventing burnout

- Making career decisions based on your own intuition


Questions asked:

How could someone right out of college start to exemplify or grow into their purpose from the very beginning?

What does alignment (working for the right role and employer for you), and misalignment, look and feel like?

How do you know what’s “right” for Present You versus what was right for Past You or Future “Dream” You?

How does looking at your life through a mind-body connection lens impact your career growth?

….and so much more!


Follow Along:

- Emily Eliza Moyer website: https://www.emilyelizamoyer.com/

- Emily Eliza Moyer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyelizamoyer/

- Emily Eliza Moyer email: [email protected]

- Free worksheet on finding purpose: https://www.emilyelizamoyer.com/how-to-find-my-purpose

- Schedule a free 30-minute consultation or coaching conversation with Emily here: www.calendly.com/emily-eliza-moyer

- Passages Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/passagespod/

- Place and Passage: http://www.placeandpassage.com

- Chloe Belangia on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chloe.belangia/

Resources Recommended in this Episode:

- Headspace: https://www.headspace.com

- Rooted Beings :https://www.rootedbeings.com

- Ten Percent Happier: https://www.tenpercent.com

- Inward by Yung Pueblo at Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/inward-yung-pueblo/1127790295

- Yung Pueblo on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yung_pueblo/