Presented by: Rocio Carvajal Food history writer, cook and author.

Of Norwegian father and Mexican mother Sylvia Vavik was born under lucky stars that sparkled her curiosity and wish to embrace both of her heritage lines. 

After studying Political sciences and web design for good measure, she realised that her creative heart was in gastronomy. Sylva became  a professional chef and relocated in Norway, she won the popular tv show called Norway’s grill master back in 2015.

In this interview you will discover how celebrating cultural diversity in an increasingly multicultural world can lead to personal and professional fulfilment and make everybody’s lives richer, better and bigger.

Follow Chef Sylvia here:


Instagram: @chefsylviavavik

Facebook: SylviaAquicomi2015

Youtube: Chef Sylvia’s channel  


Newsletter: Subscribe here

Book: Mexican Market food, a celebration of traditional Mexican cooking

Go to my ebook store here

Twitter: @chipotlepodcast + @rocio_carvajalc

Instagram: @rocio.carvajalc

email: [email protected]


Youtube: Pass the Chipotle Podcast

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