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Bag of Tricks

‘There are no black people on Game of Thrones’: why is fantasy TV so white?

Bag to the Future
SZers read most books in China: survey according to EyeShenzhen
Adult Shenzheners read an average of 7.23 print books in 2018, more than doubling the national average of 2.56 books, according to the 16th annual national reading survey by the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication.

Paper or Plastic
Sleep myths busted based on scientific evidence

 “Sleep is a vital part of life that affects our productivity, mood, and general health and well-being. Dispelling myths about sleep promotes healthier sleep habits which, in turn, promote overall better health,” said lead researcher of the study published in the Journal of Sleep Health. People often say they can get by on five or fewer hours of sleep. Some believe that snoring is harmless and that having a drink helps you to fall asleep. According to a recent study, these are among the most widely held myths about sleeping that not only shape poor habits but may also pose a significant health threat.

Organisers of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games have come up with a circular solution when it comes to medals

Athletes who triumph at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games will receive medals made from recycled metals. Gold, silver and bronze are being salvaged from discarded mobile phones and other small electronic devices to form the 5,000 medals that are required.
Since a call for e-waste went out from the Games’ organising committee in 2017, piles of smartphones, digital cameras, laptops and handheld games have been donated by members of the Japanese public and by businesses. The target for bronze has been met already: in June 2018.

Bobby’s Bag
(sensitive adult topic disclaimer)
According to the study, which surveyed more than 10,000 men from six countries (Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Papua New Guinea), around a quarter of all men admitted that they’ve sexually assaulted a woman, reports the AP. In most cases the victim was their wife or girlfriend, but one in ten said that they’ve raped someone who wasn’t their partner.
The key to getting men to open up was that they were not specifically asked about rape. Instead, they were asked in a sideways way. “The word “rape” was not used in the questions, but the men were asked if they had ever forced a woman to have sex when she wasn’t willing or if they had ever forced sex on someone who was too drunk or drugged to consent.”

Lebron misses playoffs for 1st time in 1000 years, and what it means for sports

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August 23 hou live house Shenzhen