
Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway, which links Nairobi and Mombasa, East Africa’s largest port, was built to ease the pressure on the road network. Construction started in 2013 and was completed in 2017, with an extension in 2019. The line transports passengers as well as cargo. It makes the trip between the cities safer and shorter.

The project is also being promoted as a means to develop Kenya’s mining, oil, gas, energy and commercial agriculture sectors as well as the wider East African region. It aims to link Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan to the Indian Ocean trade routes to the east.

Projects like this are known as development corridors and have the potential to bring major socioeconomic benefits. Access to jobs and markets, efficient transport, cheaper food and opening up isolated areas are among them.

In today’s episode of Pasha we bring you the first episode in a series we’re running on development corridors. This episode looks at the positive aspects of such initiatives. Our guest this week is Jessica Thorn, a research associate with the Development Corridors Partnership between Tanzania, Kenya, China and the UK.


“View of the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway Bridge through the Nairobi National Park Nature Reserve near Nairobi, Kenya” by found on Shutterstock.

“Happy African Village” by John Bartmann, found on licensed under CC0 1.

“Gimme That African Vibe” by John Bartmann found on licensed under Attribution 4.0 International License..

“South African train” by Deathicated found on Freesound licensed under Attribution License.