
COVID-19 has affected most industries and sectors in some way. One of those hit the hardest is the tourism sector as a result of lockdowns, borders closing and the global pandemic. Hospitality, aviation and travel for sport and religion were all hit hard. But what steps have tourism industries taken to survive? How have these industries coped during this time?

In today’s episode of Pasha, Kaitano Dube at the Vaal University of Technology, and Godwell Nhamo and David Chikodzi, both at the University of South Africa, discuss how the coronavirus has hit the tourism industry.

Travel and coronavirus concept, a note COVID-19 in tourist passport. Photo by Viacheslav Lopatin Shutterstock.

“Happy African Village” by John Bartmann, found on licensed under CC0 1.

“Ambient guitar X1 - Loop mode” by frankum, found on Freesound licensed under Attribution License.