
Most adult smokers take up the habit before the age of 20. So, if governments can prevent young people from smoking, it’s likely they won’t smoke in adulthood. To ensure a smoke-free future, governments should aim anti-smoking campaigns at young people. But how can they go about this?

To answer this question, this episode’s guests are Corné van Walbeek, a professor at the University of Cape Town’s School of Economics and principal investigator of the Economics of Tobacco Control Project, and Sam Filby, researcher on the Economics of Excisable Products, at the same university.

Read more:
Young people are key to a nicotine-free future: five steps to stop them smoking

“Poster, banner or flyer design for World No Tobacco Day with illustration anti smoking symbol on human hand” By Allies Interactive Shutterstock

“Happy African Village” by John Bartmann, found on licensed under CC0 1.

“Ambient electronic music 001” by Frankum found on Freesound licensed under Creative Commons license