
WhatsApp is one of the world’s most popular social media platforms. The messaging app is encrypted so it’s safer to share messages there than on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It also notorious for the spread of fake news. But it’s also used for good. In the run-up to Nigeria’s 2019 election, for instance, the platform was used to spread fake news – but it was also used for campaigning and communicating with potential voters.

In this episode of Pasha Nic Cheeseman, a professor of democracy at the University of Birmingham, explores WhatsApp and its role in Nigeria’s elections. He also discusses how governments should embrace technologies like WhatsApp, promoting digital literacy so people can be more discerning readers.

Read more:
WhatsApp played a big role in the Nigerian election. Not all of it was bad

Photo by Gregade
A man casting his vote at a polling unit in Idiko-Ile during the 23rd February, 2019 Presidential Election in Nigeria. Shutterstock

“Happy African Village” by John Bartmann found on licensed under CC0 1.