
Diseases linked to obesity are rising rapidly in South Africa. A major part of the problem is the growing available of unhealthy food options. In many neighbourhoods there are more unhealthy food outlets, like fast food places, than there are healthy food options.

In this episode of Pasha, Safura Abdool Karim, a senior project manager at PRICELESS SA (Priority Cost Effective Lessons in Systems Strengthening South Africa) sheds light on these issues.

Professor Karen Hofman and Noluthando Ndlovu were key members of the research team.

Read more:
Local solutions can boost healthier food choices in South Africa

By VladanRadulovicjhb
September 28 2018 : mobile food stall on the side walk midday Johannesburg city - Image. Shutterstock

“Happy African Village” by John Bartmann found on licensed under CC0 1.