Cyclone Idai has devastated millions of people in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The flood waters have receded – but these countries’ problems are not over yet. Many health issues lurk in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

In today’s episode Kerrigan McCarthy, head of the Outbreak Response Unit at South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases, discusses these health issues and the responses that are being mounted to tackle them.

Read more:
Cyclone Idai is over -- but its health effects will be felt for a long time

By Climate Centre
PCyclone Idai, Mozambique, aftermath, 15-16 March 2019 (Denis Onyodi: IFRC/DRK/Climate Centre). Flickr

“Happy African Village” by John Bartmann found on licensed under CC0 1.

Ambulance siren bystereobrother found on Freesound licensed under Creative Commons.

Mosquito sound by Zywx found on Freesound licensed under Creative Commons.