
Moringa is a plant that offers many benefits. It is full of vitamins and other nutrients. It is also believed to have other pharmacological properties. Aside from food, parts of the moringa can be used for firewood, fencing, water purification and fertiliser. Moringa is also a drought tolerant and resistant crop. Cultivation has been rising in South Africa since it was introduced in 2006, but it has yet to reach its full potential.

Moringa is an affordable alternative crop for many people in rural South Africa but the challenge is to make it more widely known. In today’s episode of Pasha, Chuene Victor Mashamaite, a postdoctoral researcher and agronomist at Stellenbosch University, discusses moringa’s many useful qualities and what can be done to encourage cultivation.


“Young Moringa leaves in nature” by Areef Salaeh found on Shutterstock

“Happy African Village” by John Bartmann, found on licensed under CC0 1.

“One Night In Africa ” by John Bartmann found on licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike License..