Anthony Kennada, founder and CEO of Audience Plus, joins the Nearbound Podcast to discuss the power of owned media and the importance of building relationships with customers. 

Jared, Isaac, and Anthony explore shifting from traditional marketing tactics to creating ongoing conversations through communities and owned media.

They also discuss the challenge of balancing short-term results with long-term investment in building an audience. The conversation highlights the need to market WITH customers rather than at them and the importance of creating a high-quality media experience. 

0:01:00 Pressure to have amazing production quality in media
0:03:32 Easier to turn attention into capital than vice versa
0:04:50 Importance of building relationships and ongoing conversations
0:07:29 Starting conversations before launching a product
0:08:56 The next generation of marketing focuses on engagement and belonging
0:10:01 The traditional marketing playbook doesn't work anymore
0:11:04 Owned media provides a place for belonging and revenue generation
0:12:15 Trust comes from helping people reach their goals
0:14:52 Supporting experts to contribute to online conversations
0:16:28 Balancing short-term results with long-term investment
0:18:04 Owned media can have a faster feedback loop
0:20:37 Compounding effect of owned media over time
0:29:56 Isaac challenges the idea of focusing solely on rented media platforms and asks why not just do all content there.
0:32:05 Anthony explains the need for rented media distribution but highlights the importance of owned media and exclusive content.
0:33:43 Anthony suggests deplatforming listeners and viewers from rented media to an owned context for building relationships and business value.
0:35:59 Leveraging partners and community members for third-party validation
0:38:46 Using the trust already earned to deepen relationships
0:40:41 Bridging the gap between dark social and first-party data
0:41:06 The value of pushing traffic to owned properties
0:43:30 Overlooking the importance of human engagement in B2B marketing
0:48:01 Isaac Morehouse mentions the benefits of treating vendors as partners.
0:48:17 The power of private communities