Tilly Bridges is a trans woman who is a writer of comic books, screenplays, teleplays, audio dramas, and games! She also happened to be a huge fan of The Matrix movies…although for years there was something about them that she felt spoke to her beyond the surface sci-fi and martial arts antics that changed cinematic […]

Tilly Bridges is a trans woman who is a writer of comic books, screenplays, teleplays, audio dramas, and games! She also happened to be a huge fan of The Matrix movies…although for years there was something about them that she felt spoke to her beyond the surface sci-fi and martial arts antics that changed cinematic history. Then, in the summer of 2020, Lily Wachowski announced that The Matrix was, in fact, a trans metaphor. After that revelation, Tilly began to look at all of the movies in the tetralogy with a much sharper lens via her Twitter account. Her observations on social media would eventually become so voluminous that they would have to be collected into a book: Begin Transmission-The Trans Allegories of The Matrix! This week on the Part-Time Fanboy podcast, Kristian sits down with Tilly to talk about her incredibly detailed, entertaining, and exhaustive analysis of all of The Matrix movies. She talks about her own transitioning, what it was like for her when she first saw the movie, and what compelled her to take a deep dive into the rabbit hole that the Wachowski sisters hid in plain site within their revolutionary science fiction film!

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.

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