David Schrader is a writer and filmmaker who’s worked in the comic book Kickstarter trenches in the past with titles like Baby Badass, Raphael Garcia: Henchman, and the horror anthology series Nightmare Theater. This week David launches his latest project: Cannibals on Mars. Cannibals on Mars is a terror filled science fiction tale set a […]

David Schrader is a writer and filmmaker who’s worked in the comic book Kickstarter trenches in the past with titles like Baby Badass, Raphael Garcia: Henchman, and the horror anthology series Nightmare Theater. This week David launches his latest project: Cannibals on Mars. Cannibals on Mars is a terror filled science fiction tale set a decade in the future in which colonists on the red planet have found themselves forgotten as the situation on Earth has deteriorated. With resources running out, a group of multi-national settlers must struggle against a terrifying menace that threatens them all. This week Kristian chats with David about his latest crowdfunding project, his work as a director on projects like Mary Tyler Millennial and Noho, and why he decided to turn away from comedy and fully embrace horror for his current comic book project.

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.

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