Mike and Christian Robison are brothers with a dream and a Kickstarter campaign for their comic called Champion! Since they were kids they’ve shared a passion for comic books. Both of them are creative in their own ways. Mike is a writer and Christian is an artist. For years they dreamed of creating their own […]

Mike and Christian Robison are brothers with a dream and a Kickstarter campaign for their comic called Champion! Since they were kids they’ve shared a passion for comic books. Both of them are creative in their own ways. Mike is a writer and Christian is an artist. For years they dreamed of creating their own comic book but every time they’d make an attempt to collaborate on a project career and family obligations would take precedent and their dreams of comic book creation would end up taking a back seat to reality. This year, however, Covid-19 hit and the Robison brothers found themselves taking the negative circumstances that the pandemic had placed them in and, in true superhero fashion, flipping them around into positive action. This week Kristian interviews two creators who have taken what many would see as difficult circumstances and used them to Kickstart their dream of making comics together.

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.