Jed McPherson is a comic book writer from the U.K. He last visited the podcast to chat about a comic he was Kickstarting with TPub Comics called Transmissions. Now he’s back to chat about his latest Kickstarter project called The Show! Part Truman Show, Part Oldboy, The Show delves into a world where reality TV […]

Jed McPherson is a comic book writer from the U.K. He last visited the podcast to chat about a comic he was Kickstarting with TPub Comics called Transmissions. Now he’s back to chat about his latest Kickstarter project called The Show! Part Truman Show, Part Oldboy, The Show delves into a world where reality TV has gone horribly wrong. McPherson’s comic explores how far a man can be pushed when he’s kept in isolation just to fulfill the whims of a television viewing audience. The Show is a dark look into what entertainment will do to one human being all in the name of ratings. On this episode of Part-Time Fanboy Kristian chats with Jed about the inspiration behind The Show, the strange manipulations that go on behind the scenes on reality TV shows, and the challenges of going out on his own to produce his latest comic!

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.

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