As a think tank, the Center for Immigration Studies focuses on research and public education regarding America’s immigration policies. NumbersUSA, on the other hand, is a grassroots, citizen-action organization, which seeks to inform and mobilize voters to contact their representatives to share their opinions on immigration policy.

James Massa, the new CEO of NumbersUSA, joins us on this episode of Parsing Immigration Policy to share his priorities and vision for the organization. He highlights NumbersUSA’s focus on legislation on Capitol Hill; one of its most important contributions to immigration reform efforts is its congressional grade cards program, where all representatives and senators receive grades based on their voting and sponsorship history on immigration bills and amendments.

Massa plans for NumbersUSA to take a more active role on the state level, as well. Like the Center and others seeking better immigration enforcement, NumbersUSA has long made the case for mandatory E-Verify on the federal level. It is now organizing in multiple states, informing citizens and legislators about this free online tool offered by DHS that is vital to weakening the jobs magnet for illegal immigration.

Massa said the organization has also created a new initiative to engage with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), called Back of the Hiring Line, inspired by the path-breaking book of that name by NumbersUSA’s founding president Roy Beck, which traces the detrimental impact of mass immigration on the employment and wealth of Black Americans.

A professional background in the high-tech industry has led Massa to explore ways to empower citizens to make their voices heard on the immigration issue, including an upcoming mobile app.

In his closing commentary, Mark Krikorian, host of the podcast and the Center’s Executive Director, draws listeners’ attention to the Center’s recent output, both in video and print, examining the scheduled May 11 lifting of the Title 42 pandemic expulsion orders, that have been used, albeit with decreasing frequency, by the Biden administration to maintain at least the appearance of some order at the border.


Mark Krikorian is the Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies.


James Massa is the new CEO of NumbersUSA.


NumbersUSA Immigration Congressional Grade Cards

Back of the Hiring Line: A 200-Year History of Immigration Surges, Employer Bias, and Depression of Black Wealth

In Reynosa, Mexico, 15,000 Haitian Immigrants Wait For New Chaotic Biden Policy to Kick In

Biden to Send More Troops to Southwest Border


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Intro Montage

Voices in the opening montage:Sen. Barack Obama at a 2005 press conference.Sen. John McCain in a 2010 election ad.President Lyndon Johnson, upon signing the 1965 Immigration Act.Booker T. Washington, reading in 1908 from his 1895 Atlanta Exposition speech.Laraine Newman as a "Conehead" on SNL in 1977.Hillary Clinton in a 2003 radio interview.Cesar Chavez in a 1974 interview.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaking to reporters in 2019.Prof. George Borjas in a 2016 C-SPAN appearance.Sen. Jeff Sessions in 2008 comments on the Senate floor.Charlton Heston in "Planet of the Apes".