A casual reading of our parsha would give the impression that Abraham fails at everything he tries: He tries to feed guests, yet we find out that they are angels who need no food; He tries valiantly to save Sodom and Gomorrah, yet God overturns the city nonetheless; He tries to find safety and sustenance; yet […]

A casual reading of our parsha would give the impression that Abraham fails at everything he tries: He tries to feed guests, yet we find out that they are angels who need no food; He tries valiantly to save Sodom and Gomorrah, yet God overturns the city nonetheless; He tries to find safety and sustenance; yet his wife taken by the local ruler; He tries to raise his son Ishmael well, yet has to banish him; He tries to sacrifice his son, yet he is not even allowed to make a small incision. In this podcast we offer an explanation for this bizarre phenomenon.

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This Parsha Podcast in sponsored in honor of David and Suzanne Gelb by their loving children, and we thank them for their support of TORCH!

Sponsorship: Please consider sponsoring a podcast by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!


Websites: Personal: RabbiWolbe.com; TORCH: Torchweb.org

Twitter: Personal: @RabbiWolbe; TORCH: @TORCHWEB

Facebook: Personal: Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe; TORCH: TORCH Centre

Email: [email protected].

Podcasts Links:

This Jewish Life – A Podcast About Jewish Philosophy: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

The Jewish History Podcast – The podcast telling the Remarkable story of the Jewish Peoples: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

The Parsha Podcast – A Weekly podcast of analyzing and Exploring the Parsha: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

TORAH 101 – A Podcast about the Divinity of Torah and the relationship between the Written and Oral Torah: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

Eternal Ethics – The Pirkei Avos Podcast: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher.

The Mitzvah Podcast – Surveying the 613 Mitzvos of the Torah: Apple Podcasts

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