Previous Episode: Shemos – True Kinship

In our parsha we read about the first seven of the eventual ten plagues that precipitated the Exodus. But a fundamental question needs to be asked: Why were we enslaved to begin with? What’s the purpose of enslavement and what’s the purpose of the redemption? Why did our people need to undergo this period of torment, […]

In our parsha we read about the first seven of the eventual ten plagues that precipitated the Exodus. But a fundamental question needs to be asked: Why were we enslaved to begin with?

What’s the purpose of enslavement and what’s the purpose of the redemption? Why did our people need to undergo this period of torment, suffering, and enslavement before we could be formed as a nation?

Our nation was founded at the Exodus – why couldn’t there be another way?

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This Parsha Podcast is sponsored by Joseph Hiller in loving memory of his grandparents, Rella bas Tovi and Eliezer ben Avraham. May their souls merit an elevation and an ascension in Heaven

Sponsorship: Please consider sponsoring a podcast by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at Thank you!

Contact Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe:

Websites: Personal:; TORCH:

Twitter: Personal: @RabbiWolbe; TORCH: @TORCHWEB

Facebook: Personal: Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe; TORCH: TORCH Centre

Email: [email protected].

Podcasts Links:

This Jewish Life – A Podcast About Jewish Philosophy with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

The Jewish History Podcast – The podcast telling the Remarkable story of the Jewish Peoples with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

The Parsha Podcast  – A Weekly podcast of analyzing and Exploring the Parsha with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

TORAH 101 – A Podcast about the Divinity of Torah and the relationship between the Written and Oral Torah with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

Eternal Ethics – The Pirkei Avos Podcast with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher.

The Mitzvah Podcast – Surveying the 613 Mitzvos of the Torah with Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe: Apple Podcasts

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