After nearly two decades of infertility, Isaac and Rebecca conceive, but something does not feel right. Whenever Rebecca passes a house of Torah, she feels her baby stir and get all excited as if he wants to be born. Seemingly, her child is drawn to holiness. Yet when Rebecca passes a temple of idolatry, the […]

After nearly two decades of infertility, Isaac and Rebecca conceive, but something does not feel right. Whenever Rebecca passes a house of Torah, she feels her baby stir and get all excited as if he wants to be born. Seemingly, her child is drawn to holiness. Yet when Rebecca passes a temple of idolatry, the same thing happens. What is going on? To resolve her dilemma Rebecca visits the prophet who tells her that she is pregnant with twins, one who is drawn to Torah and one who is drawn to sin. This podcast discusses a very interesting philosophical problem with this narrative and what it implies.

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This Parsha Podcast is dedicated in loving memory of Reyna Hiller who passed away a few months back at the untimely age of 33, leaving behind her husband and 8 yo son. May she merit an ascension in Heaven and may the Almighty provide comfort to her family

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Email: [email protected].

Podcasts Links:

This Jewish Life – A Podcast About Jewish Philosophy: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

The Jewish History Podcast – The podcast telling the Remarkable story of the Jewish Peoples: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

The Parsha Podcast – A Weekly podcast of analyzing and Exploring the Parsha: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

TORAH 101 – A Podcast about the Divinity of Torah and the relationship between the Written and Oral Torah: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher;

Eternal Ethics – The Pirkei Avos Podcast: Apple PodcastsAndroidStitcher.

The Mitzvah Podcast – Surveying the 613 Mitzvos of the Torah: Apple Podcasts

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