TORCH Fundraiser Our organization, TORCH, does only one fundraiser a year, and that is happening right now at This is a matching campaign and every donation will be DOUBLED. Please support the Parsha Podcast right now at The website for the Fundraiser is Click and donate to support the Parsha Podcast in 2024 We need your […]

TORCH Fundraiser

Our organization, TORCH, does only one fundraiser a year, and that is happening right now at This is a matching campaign and every donation will be DOUBLED.

Please support the Parsha Podcast right now at

The website for the Fundraiser is

Click and donate to support the Parsha Podcast in 2024

We need your help!

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The narrative of the Tabernacle spans many chapters at the end of the book of Exodus. The nation is told to build a sanctuary for God in which He will dwell. The Torah uncharacteristically repeats many aspects of this narrative. In this very special Parsha podcast, we go deep and deeper to understand the general theory of the Tabernacle, how all the parts dovetail together, and how this is all related to us. Along the way. We explore many fundamental concepts in Jewish life and philosophy.

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DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at Thank you!

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Email me with questions, comments, and feedback: [email protected]

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