Parshas Mikeitz tells the dramatic transformation of Joseph from lowly prisoner to exalted viceroy of Egypt, his oversight of Egyptian preparation for famine and how he related to his brothers who sought grain. The topics discussed in this episode: Joseph’s Ascension to grandeur – [0:00]; Joseph’s Suggestion: Seek a wise person – [10:08]; Joseph enshrined as viceroy, implements […]

Parshas Mikeitz tells the dramatic transformation of Joseph from lowly prisoner to exalted viceroy of Egypt, his oversight of Egyptian preparation for famine and how he related to his brothers who sought grain.

The topics discussed in this episode:

Joseph’s Ascension to grandeur – [0:00];

Joseph’s Suggestion: Seek a wise person – [10:08];

Joseph enshrined as viceroy, implements his plan and has a family– [19:55];

Joseph as Leader; Forced Circumcisions – [29:06];

Jacob Sends Sons to Procure Provisions; Brothers dont Recognize him; Joseph plays games with them – [33:13];

Joseph’s Ruses – [43:12];

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