The Exodus marked the severing of the Jewish people from their former masters, the Egyptians. With plagues and miracles, the Almighty extracted the Israelites from bondage. That all happened in last week’s Parsha. You would expect that our nation would move on to other pursuits and challenges, but our Parsha begins with the Egyptians again. […]

The Exodus marked the severing of the Jewish people from their former masters, the Egyptians. With plagues and miracles, the Almighty extracted the Israelites from bondage. That all happened in last week’s Parsha. You would expect that our nation would move on to other pursuits and challenges, but our Parsha begins with the Egyptians again. In fact, the Exodus is repeated in this week’s Parsha. Once again, there are 10 plagues foisted upon the Egyptians. Once again, there are 10 miracles given to the Jewish people. Why is there a need for a sequel? Why does the Exodus happen twice? In this special edition of The Parsha Podcast we probe the subject of Exodus 2.0 and draw from it a valuable lesson for how to achieve permanent change.

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