The schools have a valid concern and legal obligation to maintain discipline
and protect their students while in their care. But in this tricky area,
especially when damages for infringing on students’ rights can exceed the
annual salary of much-needed teachers and other educational resources, schools
cannot afford to guess. Until the law becomes better settled, the schools need
to be careful before acting, seek knowledgeable legal counsel, plan ahead, and
get parents involved early.

So what’s a principal to do? Talk, educate, and mediate…it’s what they
do best. Bring in the students and parents. Create peer counseling and
mediation boards. Set policy. Create awareness programs. Principals shouldn’t
panic or react in a knee-jerk manner. I would suggest they take their lead from
a very experienced school superintendent in New Jersey.

A teenager in that high school, after getting angry with certain
teachers and administrators, lashed out by posting some pretty vulgar and
insulting things about them on a personal website. He wrote the site from home
and posted it online. It wasn’t posted on the school’s server, but was
available to everyone with Internet access once they had the URL. URLs of
classmates’ sites get passed around quickly, and many of the kids in the school
accessed the site from the school’s computers.

When the word got back to the teachers and administrators, they were
understandably furious. They sought help from the police, who threatened to
charge the teenager with harassment (but they wouldn’t have been able to make
that charge stick).

Everyone involved seemed to lose their head, but the superintendent
managed to keep his. He recognized that this wasn’t a school disciplinary
matter and that the parents needed to be involved. He called in the parents,
who were appalled and took this situation as seriously as they should have.
Together they worked out a suitable apology and a way to handle the case
without blowing it out of proportion. The press had a field day. This
superintendent stood firm against the anger of the teachers and the pressures
of the community. He was right.

Months later he shared something with Parry. He told her that he had met
the young teenager at a school event, and the student apologized once again. He
also thanked the superintendent for handling the situation with grace. The boy
had acted out in anger and hadn’t thought about the consequences of his anger.
Eventually, even the teachers came around. We could use many more like him.

This advice works just as well when cyberbullying or social-networking
use is discovered. A good principal sets the tone of the school, hopefully with
wisdom, kindness, consistency, and respect.
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