This ParlAmericas podcast episode features Her Excellency Dame Billie Miller, Ambassador at Large and Plenipotentiary of Barbados and Patron of the Caribbean Institute of Women in Leadership (CIWiL). In her remarks, she speaks about transformational leadership in the political sphere and the significance of women's perspectives on all issues, not just those considered "women's issues." Drawing on her long career in politics -- including 18 years as the only woman in parliament in her country -- Dame Billie Miller calls attention to various strategies to break down the obstacles to women's election to political office. She additionally highlights the crucial role that NGOs can play in advancing women in politics, including through partnerships with government.

This presentation was recorded during at the Parliamentary-Civil Society Dialogue, Transformational Leadership for Gender Equality in the Caribbean: Regional Strategies and Partnerships, which was held in Bridgetown, Barbados, from November 19 to 20, 2018.