In this episode of Parked Car Talks we sit down with one of our friends that we met from HEB, Isaac, who's an aspiring photographer from the Austin area! We had to get him on the podcast for one just because he's a great guy and is motivated to become the best person he can be while on the way to becoming a photographer that is able to profit off of his hobby. We dive dip into who he is as a person and is up bringing as a youth and essentially what made him want to pick up a camera and start shooting. Kind of go on a lot of tangents but that's okay because there was a lot of great topics of discussions and very engaging questions that we were asking one another! Sit back, relax and enjoy this podcast that is actually the longest one we've shot so far, coming in at a little over 2 1/2 hours long! Thank you again for always watching and listening to the podcast we really do appreciate all of the love and support! See y'all next Monday!!