What is UP Park Rats!?!?!?!?!?

As we research for these wonderful episodes we deliver to you, we can't always get to all of our information we found. In this episode, we bring you some of the juicy research that didn't make it in the episode.

We first talk about an influencer who faked a hike in a park for instagram clout. Not a great move :(

We then talk about a bear that had a particular interest in foot stank. This is one of the first accounts of this happening to stay safe out there.

Lastly, we take a good bit of the episode to talk about some of the history and current conservation efforts regarding the bison. Bison are some great beasts that have a tough history of being over-hunted in America. 

We may do another episode of leftovers in the future but let us you know what you think in our instagram DMs