Focusing on this month's theme of Mindfulness & Self-Care, featuring Beth Sandlin:

How to Use Movement to Support Harmonious Parenting and Overall Wellness

Discover the Physical Benefits:

Explore how regular exercise, including Pilates, enhances strength, flexibility, and overall physical health for both parents and teens.

Embrace Mental Well-Being: Learn how consistent physical activity supports mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression while improving mood and cognitive function.

Cultivate Resilience: Gain insights into how movement practices like Pilates cultivate resilience, empowering both parents and teens to navigate stress and challenges with grace and adaptability.

Promote Relaxation and Balance: Explore how engaging in regular physical activity serves as a potent stress reliever, fostering relaxation, reducing tension, and promoting a sense of calm and balance.

Want more? Join ParenT(w)een Village to access part 2:

Inspiring Family Wellness: Role Modeling and Shared Movement Activities

In this bonus segment tailored exclusively for ParenT(w)een Village members, Beth extends the conversation, providing additional insights and practical strategies to deepen family wellness.

Embrace Role Modeling for Healthy Habits:

Delve deeper into how parents can lead by example in practicing mindful movement, establishing a positive precedent for tweens and teens.

Engage in Family Activities: Gain practical tips and creative ideas for integrating movement-based activities into family life, transforming exercise into a joyous and bonding experience.

Not yet a member of ParenT(w)een Village? Join now for only $17/month't miss this opportunity to enrich your family's well-being and strengthen your parent-teen connection with The ParenT(w)een Connection and Beth Sandlin!

About Beth:

Beth Sandlin is a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher and holistic wellness advocate with over two decades of experience. As the founder of Trifecta Pilates, she has dedicated her career to making Pilates and mindful movement accessible to all ages, including teens and their families.

Beth's approach to wellness is rooted in the belief that a balanced mind-body connection is key to overall health and happiness. Her programs are designed to empower people with the tools they need to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

As a mom of two and a survivor of cancer at a young age, Beth brings a unique perspective to her work, emphasizing the importance of self-care, positivity, and embracing life's journey.

She understands the complexities of balancing family life with personal well-being and is passionate about helping other people discover the transformative power of Pilates and holistic wellness practices.