Today marks another beautiful milestone in my journey of motherhood. My first born Ramon is 25 years old today, I fell pregnant at the age of 15 and had Ramon at 16. Being a teen mum shaped and made me into the woman I am today.

Soon after that picture in the middle was taken Ramon became ill I knew it was not a cold or flu my mothering instincts told me it was serious. I took him to the GP only to be sent away and told that it was just a viral infection and that I was a young first-time overprotective mum. In my mind and within my body I knew my baby was ill, I persevered and followed my gut and took him to A&E. He was diagnosed and admitted to hospital with meningitis things quickly developed and he was severely ill he had swelling on the brain the doctors were unable to do a lumbar puncture and decided to start treatment for Bacterial Meningitis.

I was terrified worried and thought I was going to lose my child. I never left his side he eventually made a full recovery. I will forever be grateful for the support and love of my family and friends during this time. And I am truly blessed to have a mother who has always stood by me she truly is my queen ❤️👑

By the age of 21, I had 3 children under the age of 5. During this journey, I have learned so much and to name few not being judgemental I for one know what it feels like being judged. Resilience I have persevered no matter what blocks have been put in my way. Gratitude I am truly blessed with 5 awesome children.

Being a mother means more than giving birth to a child. It’s carrying and caring for a life entirely dependent on you for survival. Not to mention the sleepless nights, sickness, the cuts, and grazes. It often means being “mean” to teach them life’s hard lessons.

I will never grow tired of hearing their voices say the word, mum! “Mum what’s for dinner?”, “Mum can I have” but most of all “Mum I love you.” I love the hugs, and I love the kisses.

I have made mistakes, and I have acknowledged, aired them, and learned from them. I have learned to love my new body after each of my children. There has been struggles and arguments, but all is quickly forgotten and forgiven.  I have had to be strong when I have felt weak, and I had smiled when all I wanted to do was cry.

Motherhood is truly a gift the unconditional love is the greatest love I have ever felt. As I look through old photographs, my heart is overflowing with love and happiness.

When I have conversations with my children, I am in absolute awe that they came from me and are mine I am so grateful that God has given me the health and strength to continue to weather the storms of motherhood. As fellow mothers will understand I pray numerous times a day asking God to keep them safe and away from harm. I pray he continues to guide them to make the right decisions.

And as this fun roller coaster of a journey continues I am learning to let go of control (ok I am trying lol)

Just some of my thoughts on my 25 years motherhood anniversary! (If there is such a thing J )  Ramon, Satari, Tianna, Tyrese and Tammy I love you unconditional! Thank you for being your unique individual selves!

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Today marks another beautiful milestone in my journey of motherhood. My first born Ramon is 25 years old today, I fell pregnant at the age of 15 and had Ramon at 16. Being a teen mum shaped and made me into the woman I am today.

Soon after that picture in the middle was taken Ramon became ill I knew it was not a cold or flu my mothering instincts told me it was serious. I took him to the GP only to be sent away and told that it was just a viral infection and that I was a young first-time overprotective mum. In my mind and within my body I knew my baby was ill, I persevered and followed my gut and took him to A&E. He was diagnosed and admitted to hospital with meningitis things quickly developed and he was severely ill he had swelling on the brain the doctors were unable to do a lumbar puncture and decided to start treatment for Bacterial Meningitis.

I was terrified worried and thought I was going to lose my child. I never left his side he eventually made a full recovery. I will forever be grateful for the support and love of my family and friends during this time. And I am truly blessed to have a mother who has always stood by me she truly is my queen ❤️👑

By the age of 21, I had 3 children under the age of 5. During this journey, I have learned so much and to name few not being judgemental I for one know what it feels like being judged. Resilience I have persevered no matter what blocks have been put in my way. Gratitude I am truly blessed with 5 awesome children.

Being a mother means more than giving birth to a child. It’s carrying and caring for a life entirely dependent on you for survival. Not to mention the sleepless nights, sickness, the cuts, and grazes. It often means being “mean” to teach them life’s hard lessons.

I will never grow tired of hearing their voices say the word, mum! “Mum what’s for dinner?”, “Mum can I have” but most of all “Mum I love you.” I love the hugs, and I love the kisses.

I have made mistakes, and I have acknowledged, aired them, and learned from them. I have learned to love my new body after each of my children. There has been struggles and arguments, but all is quickly forgotten and forgiven.  I have had to be strong when I have felt weak, and I had smiled when all I wanted to do was cry.

Motherhood is truly a gift the unconditional love is the greatest love I have ever felt. As I look through old photographs, my heart is overflowing with love and happiness.

When I have conversations with my children, I am in absolute awe that they came from me and are mine I am so grateful that God has given me the health and strength to continue to weather the storms of motherhood. As fellow mothers will understand I pray numerous times a day asking God to keep them safe and away from harm. I pray he continues to guide them to make the right decisions.

And as this fun roller coaster of a journey continues I am learning to let go of control (ok I am trying lol)

Just some of my thoughts on my 25 years motherhood anniversary! (If there is such a thing J )  Ramon, Satari, Tianna, Tyrese and Tammy I love you unconditional! Thank you for being your unique individual selves!


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