Breastfeeding counsellor Katy Lynn chats to Kerry about the emotive topic of breastfeeding.  They talk about some of the amazing qualities of breastmilk, the joys of breastfeeding and discuss awareness around the difficulties experienced when starting to breastfeed. They key message here is the  lack of support for mums who are starting to breastfeed, that can often lead them to stop sooner than planned. 

We've included some signposting information below. It is advised that the first port of call here in Northern Ireland would be a Community Midwife. Health Visitors should be able to supply information of local support groups, and all women can access the Infant Feeding Lead in each trust area too.

Helplines (most are open 365 days a year until midnight)

NCT - 0300 330 0700Breastfeeding Network - 0300 100 0212La Leche League - 0345 120 2918

Social media

NCT Breastfeeding Support NI on Facebook & instagram

Breastfeeding in Northern Ireland

 Breastfeeding & Medication Facebook page ran by pharmacist Wendy Jones

Boobcast podcast (NCT NI)