One of the mantras Laura Gauld discusses with us in today’s podcast is “don’t lie, don’t quit.”  This is a great lesson for kids and adults and a very simple thing to remember.  If I’m off track in my life, I won’t lie about it and I won’t give up. I can imagine our kids remembering this mantra when they are adults if they hear it often enough from us, and probably repeating it to their kids. (See below for all the mantras in today’s podcast.)

There are other great tidbits and lots of helpful information in this conversation, as we wrap up the lessons for our second parenting fundamental: Raise children to be accountable to life. 

Mantras 36-40:

“Is this my issue?” “Look for the positive but do not over gush.” “If you think they are doing a little, they are doing a lot.” “Don’t lie, don’t quit.” “Show up early and stay late.”