“You are in this game for the long haul!”

I know you’ve heard this said before, or in different ways, but hang on to this mantra, as it’s so important. Hang on, too, to the vision you have for your child. Sometimes they may say they don’t have a vision for themselves, or they don’t care, but they do; “every child wants to be somebody.”

Today’s mantras are important (aren’t they all?) – but they can escape our memories and our practice of parenting when we get caught up in so much “every day stuff.”  So listen carefully, listen twice, even, and share this and all our podcasts with your friends. (We can add your friends to our list so they receive the notices directly.)

Included in today’s podcast are the following mantras:

Set High expectations and let go of the outcome. (Parenting Priority 4) Hold on to both the reality and vision you have for your child. Believe in yourself and the best of your child. Let go of all the “what ifs” and believe that your child is capable of figuring it out. You are in this game for the long haul.