“When parents change the way they interact with their sons and daughters, they pave the way for transformation.”

Bobbi DePorter is the founder of Super Camp, a camp for kids that’s been around for 35 years and is now in 19 different countries.

While Super Camp is for kids, The Seven Biggest Teen Problems and How to Turn Them into Strengths is a book written for parents to help them see what changes they need to make to effect changes in their children.

“We’re different from most other programs because we’re purposefully evolving,” says Bobbi in her book. She and her team of facilitators have identified the most common difficulties they see teens facing and boiled them down to seven main issues:

Troubled Relationships Emotional Hurt Negative Self-Image Fear of Disruptive Change Poor Grades Lack of Focus Low Motivation

You can find Bobbi at www.supercamp.com