Do you want your children to grow up trusting their instincts? Of course you do!  You want them to take responsible risks, trust themselves, have grit, and be respectful – of themselves as well as to others.

This podcast, covering the last five mantras or lessons of Parenting Fundamental # 1: Understand Your Job as Parents, will give you clues on how to teach and model that, as well as many other tips on making parenting just that much easier and fun.

Let go of good guy/bad guy roles.
If our children see us as parents always in the same box, they will stay in their box. Change and you will inspire change in your child.
Love your child yet resist seeking their love.
If you know you love your child, let go of groveling for the scraps of affection. Seek their respect and you will receive all the love you need in time.
Parents need a community.
We cannot do this important job alone even if we have a supportive partner. Create the village that you need.
The more you talk, the more you lose.
When you are not happy with your child’s attitude, say less and communicate more with a look and silent listening. You will be amazed how the burden will shift to your child to figure it out.
Inspiration: Job #1.
We will not inspire our children with our wins, salaries, awards, etc. We will inspire them when we share struggles, take risks, move forward and model daily character.