Do you ever wish you had a map and compass for parenting? The 100 Lessons that go with The Five Fundamentals of Parenting might be the closest thing you will find.

In this series, Laura Gauld, co-author of The Biggest Job We’ll Ever Have, will talk about 20 lessons that go with each of the Five Fundamentals. Tune in to the first five lessons, and learn how to do the right thing as a parent, present a united front, and the importance of parenting from your principles, rather than from fear, guilt or control.

Here is a break down of the first 5 Lessons Laura talks about in this podcast of the first Parenting Fundamental, "Understand Your Job as Parents";

Parents are the primary teacher and home is the primary classroom.
There are many influences in today’s youth culture that threaten the important growth process of a child. We must remember that the parent is the primary role model and the home is the primary atmosphere for developing character. Our job is to raise our children to be adults that are honest, decent contributors to the world.

We can be friendly, but we can’t be friends.
Our parenting culture has shifted to a model that encourages “friendship” which misses the point. We can have friendly moments but our children need us to be their parents. Parents now leads to friends later.

Do the right thing, even if it goes against the culture or your earlier stance.
Our job is not to be right, it is to do the best we can each day. As new information comes our way, we continue to make the next right step. Never feel guilty for changing your answer or stance if you know it is the right thing. Your child will thank you later.

Parent from your principles, not from fear, guilt or control.
Fear and guilt will not inspire yourself or your child. Have the courage to acknowledge your core principles and build your foundation of parenting around them.

Present a united front.
So many parents miss this simple but powerful truth; divided you will fall! Your children will manipulate if she can and you will be left fighting with each other. Work to stand together with either your spouse, partner, or committed adult in your child’s life.


The Biggest Job We’ll Ever Have (Scribner, 2002) by Laura and Malcolm Gauld Biggest Job website, Hyde School