“What would it be like if parenting was fun and exciting and life with your kids was full of peace, harmony, cooperation, and respect?”

This is a question early in Vicki Hoefle’s book, Duct Tape Parenting. 

Consistent with the Biggest Job philosophy, Vicki teaches parents that the true job of parenting is what our kids will be like from the ages of 18 – 80.  She stresses that moms have got to get out of the job of being the maid in the house; that when we do for our kids what they can do for themselves, we send the message to them that it’s not okay for them to make mistakes.

“Look at how you might be feeding the weeds of bad behavior and attitudes,” she writes, “by noticing your responses to your children.”  

If you’d like a blueprint, complete with road map and directions, on how to raise respectful, responsible, and resilient kids – here it is!

