On this week's episode of Parenting Roundabout's entertainment-themed Round 2, Catherine and Terri check in with NBC’s latest live TV musical and continue following along with The Great American Baking Show and The West Wing. Here’s your road map: 00:38 Hairspray Live - While it may sound like we hated this adaptation, the truth is we found it perfectly pleasant. It just didn’t have the pizzazz of the 2007 movie version (see video for a scene from that one). 10:03 Great American Baking Show - Is it our imagination, or did the editing take a slightly more American (read: backstabby) turn this week? Mostly, it just made us want to eat some delicious bread. 18:30 The West Wing Weekly - Speaking of backstabby, we didn’t appreciate Toby getting out-maneuvered on this week’s West Wing. Nor did we enjoy the forgotten-underwear storyline. Move on, Aaron Sorkin! For next week’s episode, we’ll do just that, taking in the next episode of West Wing, “The Drop-In,” and checking in on what’s baking in the GABS tent. Join us!