On this week's group chat, we talk about special-occasion pressure, discuss the start of the holiday shopping season on our Friday speed round, shout out some stuff we like on the Roundabout Roundup, take a quiz about table manners, and do some shameless self-promotion. Here's your road map to the episode: 05:55 Holiday Downsizing — Extended family all loving and rosy-cheeked around a food-stacked table is a heartwarming image, but the fact of it sometimes gives us heartburn. We talk about the pressure — external and internal — to have a portrait-worthy holiday and our attempts to bring expectations down to snapshot size. 17:45 Speed Round: Do You Shop on Black Friday? — Some folks can't wait to hit the stores for bargains, some would rather jump off a cliff than go fight strangers for sales items, and some find the whole idea of making Thanksgiving weekend all about commerce offensive. Turns out, we're not quite any of those. 23:21 Parenting Roundabout Roundup — Terri enjoys just looking at the homepage loop for the time-tracking site toggl (click on the little speaker in the corner for the perfect accompaning music); Catherine enjoyed a roundup of Fitness Marshall dance videos on Buzzfeed; and Nicole appreciated an article about coaches apropos to our discussion last week.  25:49 A Well-Mannered Quiz — In place of our usual interview segment, and since you'll be listening to this a day after a big judge-y family meal, Catherine came up with a quiz about etiquette rules for children that may have you using your napkin a whole new way. 41:24 Shameless Self-Promotion — Terri shared a special-needs version of the "Would You Rather" meme; Catherine offered some help on dealing with sports parent burnout; and Nicole will have an article up on the Friendship Circle blog any time now. Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to http://parentingroundabout.com for the full recap experience.