On this week's group chat, we talk about a news story that makes us wonder about school volunteering, recall our college living arrangements, shout out some stuff we like on the Roundabout Roundup, and urge you to watch the Paralympics. Here's your road map to the episode: 05:29 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished — A series in the Los Angeles Times about a school dispute turned bizarrely criminal got us talking about school volunteering, PTA-ing, and disputes between adults that impact kids. 26:58 Speed Round: Our Dorm Life — Amongst the back-to-school pictures on our Facebook timelines we've noted some dorm move-in photos showing spaces way nicer than the ones we remember. 35:18 Parenting Roundabout Roundup — Terri wants you to go as soon as this podcast is over and watch the six-part In the Heights documentary on our YouTube documentary playlist; Nicole's excited to have found the got it! app to save her from another math nightmare weekend; and Catherine feels similarly relieved to have found a language-learning app to help with Spanish class. (Also mentioned: our recent eps on music and documentaries.) 41:08 Hey, Go Watch the Paralympics! — In place of our usual interview, Catherine and Terri talked about the Paralympics opening ceremony (which they live-tweeted) and where to watch the events — check the Team USA site for NBC and livestream schedules and Paralympic.org for more livestreaming. And while you're at it, you can watch the whole opening ceremony (watch for Australia's excellent pants around 36:48), highlights, and Amy Purdy's dance on YouTube. (Also mentioned: a New York Times article on wheelchair racers Tatyana and Hannah McFadden.) 57:32 Shameless Self-Promotion — Nicole's too busy editing her book (has she mentioned she wrote a book?) to have anything to promote, but her The Inclusive Class website remains a great resource; Terri has added a folder of information on FASD to the Parent's Portfolio on her Mothers With Attitude site; and Catherine has a new article on "After-School Snacks That Can Double as Dinner." Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to http://parentingroundabout.com for the full recap experience.