Parents think they can trust the LEGOS company to produce fun playsets for their children ages 5-12. Warning: They are pushing the leftist agenda just like all the rest. Follow up about the man who exposed himself in the women's locker room – A Bill passes in CA that protects pedophiles from prosecution for their attacks on minors. A school in Cleveland assigns a pornography writing assignment to high schoolers. Mayor blasts them and calls for their resignations and threatens criminal charges. Dimwits & Darlings too! HOW TO TRAIN YOUR CHILD TO BEHAVE FREE ONLINE COURSE - New post lesson EVERY MONDAY MORNING! Lesson ONE: PROGRESSIVES TODAY LINK Mommy Answer Lady YouTube channel: LINK: BOOK How to Train Your Child to Behave - The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Your Child's Behavior MATT WALSH BOOK - Church of Cowards Website -